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My - University Of Rochester Intranet
Sunday, February 1, 2004

HTML • Javascript • Ajax • SQL Server • ASP.Net • C# • Actieve Object Architecture • XML

Before there was iGoogle, there was an intranet site for the University of Rochester that gave users all the functionality they needed to create their own personal module based intranet page for quickly accessing topics and applications that were important to them. This portal allowed users to add modules that gave them access to custom AJAX applications, web services designed to return HTML, RSS feeds, forums, simple link menus, and rich content provided by the user. My Intranet allows the user to set the color scheme that best suited their needs, even pick the search provider that they preferred to use. Managers could setup push notifications that would immediately show on their employees intranet pages, and it linked their Exchange Server tasks, mail and appointments right to their page.

The system defines templates specific to content that a particular type of employee or student would be interested in, in order to get them using the system to its fullest potential as soon as possible.

As innovative as it was a the time, this functionality has become a common feature of portals everywhere including Google, Yahoo and Bing!

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