HTML • Flash • ActionScript • Javascript • Flex • SQL Server • ASP.Net • C# • Actieve Object Architecture • Flash Media Server • HD • f4v • Live Streaming • EdgeCast

HD Live Concerts uses Flash Live Media Encoder and Flash Live Media Server in order to deliver multiple bit-rate live streaming concerts right to your Flash Enabled devices. Build on the Actieve Architecture for the Dot Net Framework this scalable system allows administrators to define how and when events will occur. It then generates profiles that can be imported into their HD video cameras in order to stream the high definition video to the viewers.
The site is built on the Dot Net 3.5 framework, with a SQL Server 2005 database and Flex/Flash Presentation layers for the video playback. The streaming was setup to run through the Edgecast content delivery network but can also be easily modified to stream through their own flash media server infrastructure if the company wishes to bring the technology in house.
This technology takes advantage of the Flash Media Server 3.5 multi-bit-rate streaming in order to deliver not only HD content but lower qualities for customers with less bandwidth or cellular reception.
Merchant Services is available via the customers Authorize.Net account, thus allowing them to accept any major credit card or payment service.
Site Hosted by RackSpace.